Feel Better by Balancing Hormones, Lifestyle and Mindset

Feel Better by Balancing Hormones, Lifestyle and Mindset

Beyond the Thyroid - Episode 11: Why good Hashimoto's specialists are hard to find Sep 19, 2024

In Episode 11 of Beyond the Thyroid, I discuss why finding the right doctor to treat Hashimoto's disease or hypothyroidism can feel like an endless, frustrating journey. Many of my patients have...

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Beyond the Thyroid - Episode 8: 3 Ways Hypothyroidism Shows Up Sep 19, 2024

Welcome to Episode 8 of the Beyond the Thyroid! I’m Dr. Dana Gibbs, and today we're diving deep into hypothyroidism, the most common outcome of a Hashimoto's disease autoimmune attack. Last...

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Beyond the Thyroid - Episode 7: Treatment of Hashimoto's disease Sep 19, 2024

Welcome to episode seven of the Beyond the Thyroid! I'm Dr. Dana Gibbs, and in this episode, we take a deep dive into Hashimoto's disease, exploring various treatment strategies and addressing...

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Graves Disease: An Integrative Approach Dec 08, 2023

Graves AIT is a less common type of thyroid autoimmune disease. This is a typical cause of elevated thyroid function or hypothyroidism, because the antibodies that are erroneously made directly...

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