Beyond the Thyroid - Episode 10: Lab Tests for Better Thyroid Workup

fatigue free t3 free t4 hashimoto’s disease hormone balance hypothyroidism integrative thyroid care reverse t3 thyroid function thyroid hormone imbalance thyroid lab tests tsh Sep 19, 2024

In Episode 10 of Beyond the Thyroid, I dive deep into the thyroid lab tests I use in my practice to assess and manage hypothyroidism. This episode is a video edition, where I explore the nuances of thyroid function tests, reference ranges, and how I use this information to create a custom treatment plan for each patient.

I walk you through the different tests I order, explain what the reference ranges really mean, and share a few tips to ensure your labs are as accurate as possible. This integrative approach, developed by my mentor and refined over my nearly 30 years of experience, helps me achieve faster, more effective results for my patients.

Key Highlights

  • Thyroid Function Tests: I cover the essentials—TSH, Free T4, Free T3, and Reverse T3—and explain how they fit together like pieces of a puzzle to reveal your thyroid’s true health.
  • Custom Treatment Plans: I design individualized treatment plans based on lab results to optimize energy levels, balance hormones, and improve overall well-being.
  • Accurate Lab Testing: I share tips on how to time your lab tests to get the most accurate results, and why relying solely on TSH isn’t enough.

By the end of the episode, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how lab tests fit into a holistic approach to thyroid care. With the right insights, you can start feeling better, faster, while addressing the root causes of your hormone imbalances.


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